I have vowed not to fall into that whole wedding industry crapola! I did have a weak moment and bought a Martha Stewart Weddings magazine, what a waste of $6! For me, there was nothing inspiring or original in it and most of the articles are available on-line, for free. The ads in the magazines alone, are enough to make me sick. SO, NO MORE BRIDAL MAGAZINES ALLOWED!!!
Since I am going to make my own dress, I tried looking at the overall silhouettes of the dresses in the MSW magazine, to get some sort of idea/inspiration of what I want. Boy, was that a mistake! What is it with all the frothy, strapless, expensive and horribly ugly dresses? I know everyone has different tastes, but all the dresses look so similar, are so expensive, and look very cheap. I know I have a different take on this than most people, but being a pattern maker with almost 15 years experience in the garment industry has made me hyper critical of fit and construction. Don't get me wrong, there are beautiful, more traditional wedding dresses out there. Most of the ones I have seen are custom made by small independent designers.
On a happier wedding note... Here are a couple of resources that are more up my alley:
I got my mitts on both of these recently released books, without having to spend a dime!
The DIY Wedding book, by Kelly Bare, was given to me by my friend Natalie (she wrote the forward for the book and is giving away a free copy of it on her blog). I have been waiting for this book to come out, so I could buy it! But last weekend, while I was at Natalie's house, looking through her bookshelf, I saw her copy of it and asked to borrow it. She laughed and said I could keep it. After all she got married last year and I am the one who needs to start planning my wedding. I haven't finished reading it yet, but it is great! There are so many good ideas and resources, that I know it will be an invaluable book for me to have. Of the two books this is more of a "how-to". It touches on all of the big components that make up your wedding (planning, what to wear, invites, food, drink, music, photos, flowers, etc.) and gives you ways to make each of those as DIY as you want.
Offbeat Bride, by Ariel Meadow Stallings, I just got last night from the library. I started reading it this morning on my commute and I am really enjoying it. This book is more of what her personal experiences were with having a non-traditional wedding, while offering tips and ideas from other "offbeat brides". Ariel also has a blog on her website with a lot of info and pictures from offbeat weddings. It is very inspirational, to see the vastly different and non-traditional weddings (even if they all may not be your taste).
Both books emphasize planning a wedding that expresses who you and your soon to be spouse are, not what tradition or some crazy wedding planner tells you you should be. HALLELUJAH!