Posted at 06:48 PM in crafts, store, thrifting | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
OMG! Has it been almost two months since I have posted? Where has the time gone and what have I been up to? Geez! I don't have much of an excuse, but I have been concentrating a bit more on some freelance work.
Posted at 06:17 PM in crafts, finished object, life, sewing, thrifting | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0)
I have recently found some fun housewares at thrift stores and wanted to share them with you.
Posted at 04:30 PM in reading, store, thrifting | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 04:33 PM in crafts, life, thrifting | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Not a whole lot of crafting going on, but I have found some fun things recently while thrifting.
Posted at 05:09 PM in Books, life, thrifting | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
to the 104 temp of Modesto, CA! Not my first choice of a weekend trip, but we had a wedding reception to go to. One of Matthews ex-co-workers got married in August in Buffalo, New York. Her family is from Modesto, so they had a wedding reception out here this past weekend. It was a nice evening and a pretty early night. So the next day we decided to hit the Modesto thrift stores! There were some treasures to be had, here are some of them:
Posted at 04:43 PM in crafts, life, thrifting | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
As I am sure you already know or can guess, I have a thing for vintage fabrics and linens. Oh, who am I fooling, I have a big time thing for almost anything vintage.
Posted at 08:07 PM in fabric, life, sewing, thrifting | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
I have been so busy with work and home stuff that I haven't had a lot of time for much else. I am looking forward to my big life change of leaving my corporate job and focusing my time on fixing up the house and planning our wedding (after the wedding I will focus on my own crafty business). The countdown is on, only two more full weeks of this work left! I did manage to squeeze in some thrifting in the last couple of weeks and here are some of my more interesting finds:
I saw a needlepoint bag like this on Tricia Royal's blog, bits and bobbins, a long time ago and fell in love with it. Then I found my own for only $2.99!
I love vintage sheets and bedding... the bright colors and fun patterns make me smile. I don't know what I am going to do with my growing collection, but I am adding a fitted sheet and pillow case that I recently picked up.
OOOHH! My favorite find in the past couple of weeks is this "Brown Terra" patterned Pyrex casserole. I am very happy to add this to my vintage Pyrex collection.
Posted at 11:35 AM in thrifting | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
I put an old box in storage and quickly forgot about it. Ever happen to you?
Recently I decided to stop paying for a storage unit, so I needed to clean it out and move all my stuff to our house. In some stolen spare moments I have been going through what was in my storage unit to get rid of some and to organize the rest. I stumbled upon an old dirty beat up box and couldn't for the life of me remember what was inside and why I would save such a beat up box. Then I opened it...
What is this pile of fabric scraps?!?! Can you guess?
Yes, they are cut-out pieces for a quilt top from vintage fabrics dating from the 1930's to 1940's. I found this treasure hidden away is a dirty old box at a flea market a few years ago and had big plans for making these pieces into a quilt. Well, as you can see those big plans haven't quite happened yet. The cut out pieces I bought are only the center square and the "star points" of the block (does anyone know the name of this block?). Luckily there were a few finished blocks, so I knew what they should look like. I will have to take one of the finished blocks apart to make the patterns for the white pieces. I bought white fabric to finish cutting out these pieces and just need to actually do it. It will be a big project, once I am able to get to it, but I wanted to post some images of the vintage fabric eye candy.
For some quilting inspiration check out Moonstitches Flickr images of the Tokyo International Quilt Festival. Some really amazing stuff. One of my favorites is this beauty.
Posted at 01:16 PM in sewing, thrifting | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
I recently found this vintage pattern beauty, on one of my thrifting outings:
I love love love the styling of the A version! The tie at the front waist and the tucks at the curved shoulder seam, these type of details you don't see on many modern designs. I want to make it in something soft and drapey. I still need to actually check to see if the pattern has all it's pieces. There have been many a times that I picked up some fabulous pattern and to find out later it is missing pieces. Not really a big problem for me, since I am a pattern maker. But it can be frustrating, if it is important piece/s that go missing.
One the home renovating front... the biggest issues I have with our house is living/dining room that was redone in the late 60's or early 70's. It has all the ugliness of home decorating from that time period:
-faux wood paneling in a light beige/off white combo
-gold shag carpeting
-matching gold drapes with sheers and antiqued gold curtain rods
While doing a little preliminary research on where to start with this room remodel we came upon this forum. Just gotta love a forum out there uniting all the popcorn ceiling haters. I learned a lot, but it has also brought up more questions. I am pretty sure (based on the time period the popcorn was put up), that we have the type with asbestos, so the question is to test or not to test it. If we test it and it comes back positive for asbestos then we only have to options, have it removed by asbestos abatement folks (very spendy) or remove it our selves (there are very detailed instructions and a lot of safety stuff to deal with). We haven't decided what we are going to do yet, but I am leaning towards doing it ourselves, with the proper equipment and disposal, it could all be done in a few days.
I will post some pictures of our oh so dated living room soon.
Posted at 02:33 PM in home, thrifting, vintage patterns | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Jennifer Paganelli: Happy Home: Twenty Sewing and Craft Projects to Pretty Up Your Home
Jennifer Paganelli: Girl's World: Twenty-One Sewing Projects to Make for Little Girls